Trusted Pet Care

Book Vet Visits
Anytime, Anywhere

Accredited Professionals

We only allow fully qualified veterinary professionals on Trusted Vets.

Instant Booking

Book immediate home visits in an emergency.

Pre Plan

Pre plan and book routine home visits in advance.


Instant access to a huge network of veterinary professionals in your area.

our services

Our Service to Make
Your Pets Healthy

At Trusted Vets, we provide a quick and simple way for pet owners to contact a local veterinary professional and book home visits.

What we offer

Pet Wellness Care

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Highest Quality Pet Care

Vet Visits To Any Location - Pinpoint Exact Location With The “What3Words” App

Fully Qualified Veterinary Professionals

We highly value your thoughts and feedback about the service as it enables us to continue to provide the highest standards to you and your beloved pets.

Please send us your comments to

Healthy Furry


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Trusted Vets Reviews

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